Neural Network Instrumental Variables
A simple example
rprice <- with(CigarettesSW, price/cpi)
tdiff <- with(CigarettesSW, (taxs - tax)/cpi)
packs <- CigarettesSW$packs
Estimate using OLS.
lm(packs ~ rprice)
## Call:
## lm(formula = packs ~ rprice)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) rprice
## 222.209 -1.044
Now using instrumental variables.
ivreg(packs ~ rprice | tdiff)
## Call:
## ivreg(formula = packs ~ rprice | tdiff)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) rprice
## 219.576 -1.019
Now using the lm
# first stage
lms1 <- lm(rprice ~ tdiff)
# manually obtain fitted values
lmXhat <- lms1$coefficients[2]*tdiff + lms1$coefficients[1]
# estimate second stage using Xhat
(lms2 <- lm(packs ~ lmXhat) )
## Call:
## lm(formula = packs ~ lmXhat)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) lmXhat
## 219.576 -1.019
Now using a neural network
# first stage
nns1 <- nnet(rprice ~ tdiff, size=0, skip=TRUE, linout=TRUE)
## # weights: 2
## initial value 1123401.708750
## final value 14467.562948
## converged
# manually obtain fitted values
nnXhat <- nns1$fitted.values
# estimate second stage using Xhat
nns2 <- nnet(packs ~ nnXhat, size=0, skip=TRUE, linout=TRUE)
## # weights: 2
## initial value 335265.176965
## final value 48851.806790
## converged
## a 1-0-1 network with 2 weights
## options were - skip-layer connections linear output units
## b->o i1->o
## 219.58 -1.02
Compare output.
lms2$coefficients - nns2$wts
## (Intercept) lmXhat
## 4.880515e-05 -4.206591e-07
Compare estimates.
qplot(lms2$fitted.values - nns2$fitted.values)